Oct 28, 2015
First impressions of Garo: Crimson Moon from MAPPA. It is streaming on Funimation and Hulu.
The premise of these reviews is simple: watch the first episode of a new anime series and then immediately sit down to record a review mini-podcast. The reviews are five- to ten-minutes long and entirely off the cuff. As always...
Oct 28, 2015
As Cowboy Bebop has become this evergreen ambassador of anime, we decided to go back and re-watch the show now that is has gotten a beautiful Blu-ray box set. Every week we will share our memories and then re-evaluate these stories with 16 years of experience and distance. Which episodes are just as we remember, which...
Oct 21, 2015
As Cowboy Bebop has become this evergreen ambassador of anime, we decided to go back and re-watch the show now that is has gotten a beautiful Blu-ray box set. Every week we will share our memories and then re-evaluate these stories with 16 years of experience and distance. Which episodes are just as we remember, which...
Oct 19, 2015
Ongoing Investigations: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day (memoir), Maria the Virgin Witch: Exhibition by Masayuki Ishikawa, Barakamon vols. 1-3 by Satsuki Yoshino, Fables by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham.
Topics: Glitter Force, Omakase by Viewster, Attack on Titan American anthology,...
Oct 19, 2015
First impressions of The Perfect Insider from A-1 Pictures. It is streaming on Crunchyroll.
The premise of these reviews is simple: watch the first episode of a new anime series and then immediately sit down to record a review mini-podcast. The reviews are five- to ten-minutes long and entirely off the cuff. As always...