Oct 31, 2013
New York Comic Con is a celebration, and celebrate it we did! The Speakeasy this month is actually a triple-combo made up of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday podcasts that we only posted on YouTube. So do forgive a bit of repetition. Joining us each night is Patz from The Cockpit and Alain's elusive roommate.
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Oct 15, 2013
Episode 1 of Galilei Donna from A-1 Pictures with the opening "Synchromania" by Negoto. It is streaming on Crunchyroll.
The premise of these reviews is simple: watch the first episode of a series and then immediately sit down to record a review mini-podcast. The reviews are five- to ten-minutes long and entirely off the...
Oct 15, 2013
Episode 1 of Samurai Flamenco from Manglobe with the opening "Just one life" by SPYAIR. It is streaming on Crunchyroll.
The premise of these reviews is simple: watch the first episode of a series and then immediately sit down to record a review mini-podcast. The reviews are five- to ten-minutes long and entirely off the...
Oct 9, 2013
Episode 1 of BlazBlue: Alter Memory from Hoods Entertainment and teamKG with the opening "Blue Blaze" by Faylan. It is streaming on Funimation.
The premise of these reviews is simple: watch the first episode of a series and then immediately sit down to record a review mini-podcast. The reviews are five- to ten-minutes...
Oct 9, 2013
Episode 1 of Tokyo Ravens from 8Bit with the opening "X-encounter" by Maon Kurosaki. It is streaming on Funimation.
The premise of these reviews is simple: watch the first episode of a series and then immediately sit down to record a review mini-podcast. The reviews are five- to ten-minutes long and entirely off the...